To get a feel for what the band is all
about, read the following article by Dave Kibler from the April 2009 edition of
Music Entertainment Magazine.
“We want to communicate to
the kids that it’s the best decision you’ll ever make, and it’s the best buzz
you’ll ever have.” - Joe Lycan
I was on the phone with
frontman Joe Lycan of a new band called Sons of Thunder. I called him to talk
about his band’s soon-to-be-released album, but all he wanted to talk about was
his relationship with Christ. What a breath of fresh air it is to see an artist
more consumed with Christ than with his own success. However, many wonderful Christian
artists, while very strong in their walk with Christ, are not good musicians. I
was dreading that possibility, because this guy was so on fire for God and I
really was hoping that his band was as strong musically as they were
“When did you guys get
together?” I asked.
“Well,” he said, “God told me
the plan about fifteen years ago, but we actually didn’t get together until
about two years ago.”
“Why the 13-year wait?” I
“Our lead guitarist wasn’t
born yet. I had to grow him up,” he laughed. He explained to me that his son,
Daniel Lycan, was the lead guitarist along with bassist Charley McCoy and
drummer Mike Maynard.
Right, I mused. A band of fully grown men with a 15-year-old guitarist. This
was sounding pretty bad.
He continued to say, “We are
tired of what we feel Christian music has become; more about the headline act
than about God. The true headline act is right now sitting at the right hand of
God the Father, and His name is Jesus Christ. We are about renewal, restoration,
and bringing people to Christ. That’s it. We just want to see Christ lifted up,
and when He is lifted up, He will draw all people to Himself.” Straight out of
the Bible: John 12:32, to be exact. I liked that.
“Fantastic,” I said, and
then, “Where can I listen to you guys?” He sent me to a website containing the
as-of-yet unmastered tracks from the studio, told me to listen and tell him
what I thought, and then we said goodbye. I clicked on the links and began to
listen. Now, remember that I am a music critic. I’ve been a musician all my
life and am very picky with very high standards of musicianship, and I don’t
throw out compliments very often.
What I heard not only
impressed me; it astounded me. One of my laments since the death of the hair
bands of the late 80’s has been the lack of guitar players that can actually
play a solo-not just a solo, a SMOKING solo, and not just drop-D power chords.
Joe and Daniel Lycan of Sons of Thunder know how to play the guitar. The tone
and feel of the guitar work on one of my favorite albums: Van Halen’s first
album, released in 1978. To say Sons of Thunder know their stuff is an
understatement. I was not expecting what I heard. As I listened, I thought to
myself, “Here is a band that is good enough to blow the doors off any bar or
nightclub, and all they want to do is see Christ lifted up.
I heard Skynyrd’s influence
in the song, “Come on Home,” with great bass runs by Charley McCoy. I heard
some of the Steve Vai, Whitesnake era in the church busting song, “Status Quo,”
and I heard Van Halen influences in the songs, “Don’t Lose Your Dream,” and the
album’s title song, “White Horse Coming.”
More important than the
excellent musicianship was the message behind it. I heard no apologies, nothing
watered-down, no punches pulled, no wondering about offending anyone, just the
straight-up, cut-through-the-garbage message of Christ, loud and clear in each
song. I listened to five songs and then called Joe back.
“Hello?” he answered.
“One question,” I said. “How
old did you say your son was?”
“He’s fifteen,” he said
“Let me get this straight,” I
said. “Your son is fifteen and can play like that? You’re serious, now you’re
not messing with me on this, are you?”
“No”, he said. “He’s very
“The whole band’s good,” I
said. “No, wait a minute. They’re not good – they are fantastic. In three years
of writing for this magazine, I’ve never come across a band that can play like
you all. I’m impressed.”
He simply said thank you and
that it was a blessing talking to me. Let me tell you folks – there is
something different about this band. The combination of musical talent and
humility that I’ve encountered is a rare thing indeed, and so very refreshing
to see. I can’t wait to see these guys live. Daniel, Joe, Charley, and Mike, I
wish you the best. And for those of you in the towns of Morehead, Grayson,
Paintsville, Pikeville, Prestonsburg,
I’ll see all of you at the
next Sons of Thunder concert.
- David Kibler is the lead
minister at the Catalyst Christian Church in